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This study is a great example of the anabolic effect ostarine has on the body: Ostarine treatment resulted in a dose dependent increase in total LBM, with an increase of 1.2% in total LBM in treated subjects and 2.2% in those treated with nandrolone decanoate alone. It seems to be an area for future research to compare the effects of both Ostarine and nandrolone decanoate.
Conclusion ostarine is a powerful anabolic compound with a relatively small side effect profile, however its use is not without controversy. This study is one of the more recent and most important studies investigating its effects on human weight related hormones, and it provides invaluable information as to why it’s still needed.
Ostarine does not appear to be a dangerous anabolic compound, but there are still some concerns as the side effects associated with it are greater than what with other anabolic agents like β-hydroxybutyrate.
1. Mazzanti LA, Cipriani M, etal. Anabolic and androgenic effects of testosterone in humans
Acta Clin Belg Sci (2010). 3(5): 741–745.
2. Wojtalak ZD, Mariani J, et al. The role of ostarine in human androgenesis: an in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
Inj Med Sci (1982). 4(2): 137–150, doi:10.1111/j.1532-4566.1982.tb04226.x.
3. Cipriani M, Moroni M, Sorelle F, Cipriani M, Calcipoli T. Anabolic effects of ostarine: from a review of experimental work in human male subjects. Eur J Endocrinol
5(13): 923–933, doi:10.1210/eje.5.13.923.
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